Anja Tibutt
Coach and Therapist (HeilpG)

Munich, Online

Languages: French, English, & German

My approach

It is my passion to accompany my clients on their way to a more happy, fulfilled and balanced life. My general attitude that every human being is a valuable individual and needs to be treated with the utmost respect reflects in my work. I want my clients to get access to all their inner resources and to make them shine. Therefore I apply systemic, behavioural, humanistic and psychodynamic methods to live up to the personality and special needs of each and every client.

In addition to being a supervisor, coach and psychotherapist (HP) I have 25 years of experience in the financial sector and adopted several professional roles: management consultant, project Manager and Head of Department. As a result, I am familiar with an increasingly complex professional world in which human beings become more and more intensely involved. Being a mother of two children I am well aware oft the challenges the whole family faces: an increasingly demanding educational system with all its pressure upon the children, social issues with the peer group, excessive use of social media/ gaming, conflicts among the family members and many more.


Coaching, supervision & psychotherapy

The introductory session is an opportunity to get to know each other and for you to find out if you want to go on a journey with me. I take my time to understand your issue in-depth so that it becomes clear how I can support you best. It is important to find out at the beginning if we will be following a coaching, psychotherapeutic or supervision process, who will be the persons involved and what you want to have achieved in the end.

In case you have a coaching issue, our process normally takes between three, five and ten sessions. You as client decide about the number of sessions, the duration of sessions and meeting intervals based on my advice. Some typical coaching issues are promotion of self-confidence, recognition and satisfaction of needs, conflicts, stalemates and standstill in working and/or private life or stress and exhaustion.

In supervision, I follow a systemic approach. My aim is to support supvervisees in clarifying their role and position, finding out how their relationship issues have something to do with their own behaviour, personality and biography and last not least how they can overcome these. The settings can be individual, group and team.

My clients in the therapeutic context normally have even more profound issues than in the coaching one. Our process therefore involves diagnosis and a therapeutic setting. Depending on the individual personality and issue the client brings, we set up a therapy plan and I provide advice as to the adequate interventions, meeting intervals and overall timeline. Clients coming to me in the therapeutic context suffer from different types of anxiety, depression and grief, psychosomatic disorders, conflicts in their social relationships and/or jobs, stress and exhaustion close to burnout and further.

In the family context I work with children and youths as well as with the parents or the whole family system. Children and youths often come to me with age-specific issues like different types of anxiety, depression, psychosomatic disorders or disturbance of their social behaviour. In some other cases, there are profound conflicts within the family system. In addition, I offer special coaching for parents being overwhelmed and feeling helpless in their role as legal guardian.


  • Certified business coach (BZTB)

  • supervisor (individual, group and team settings)

  • systemic life coach

  • systemic child and family therapist

  • couple therapist

  • naturopath for psychotherapy

  • behavioral, humanistic and psychodrama therapist

  • educated training in Mindfulness-based stress reduction

  • diploma national economist (University of Hamburg)

  • fluent speaker English, French and German


All fees are inclusive of VAT.

Introductory session (50 minutes): 45 EUR Single session 60 minutes: 105 EUR

Packages: (you do not have to commit yourself in advance as we can switch to package mode at any time)

  • Package ‘Five+’: when taking at least five sessions after the introductory one, the hourly rate reduces to 95 EUR

  • Package ‘Ten+’: when taking at least ten sessions after the introductory one, the hourly rate reduces to 90 EUR

Supervision 90 minutes: 135 EUR Couple session 90 minutes: 135 EUR

Assumption of cost by a private/ supplementary insurance: 105 EUR per 60 minutes

Rates for companies: to be agreed upon by the parties


Billing with private health insurance/ supplementary insurance

Coaching and consulting are never covered by private health insurance. In the therapeutic context, my fees are normally completely or proportionally covered by your private health insurance or supplementary insurance. Please inquire with your insurance. It will be my pleasure to support you in this matter.

Fees are based on the scale of fees for medical practitioners.
You will receive an invoice which you can submit to you insurance.

Therapy options


I look forward to hearing from you. You can call me by phone, write an SMS or an e- mail. I will contact you as soon as possible.
Please find below my contact details:
Phone: +49-163-34 14 733

Mail: Homepage: