Our Munich Practice
In the City Centre
3 Minutes from Sendlinger Tor
What services are provided at the Private Practice in Munich?
At the Private Psychology Practice in Munich, Germany, services are provided by native English speaking therapists to individuals, couples, families and children/adolescents.
When are sessions availablein (Find Therapist in Munich)?
How are appointments made?
All inquires for services can be sent by emailing therapist@psyshrink.com or via the Contact Form here. Clients coming into the Private Practice can also pay via cash at the time of the session or bank transfer. Invoices are most often sent via email. Please ask your therapist directly, as each therapist has their own form of payment.
**Please note: Services at PsyShrink are not covered by public health insurance**
If you would like use your private insurance, please check directly with your provider directly.
Where is the practice located in Munich?
The therapy practice in Munich is located on the ground floor of an historic, art deco building next-door to the Munich Firefighters Museum and across from the Munich Marionette Theatre, about two minutes away from Sendlinger Tor. If taking public transit, you can use the U3/U6 or U1/U2 to Sendlinger Tor or Trams 16, 17 or 18 to Muellerstrasse. It is easily accessible by car with ample on-street parking.
Therapists at the Munich Psychotherapy practice
Contact Details
- PsyShrink Psychology
- An der Hauptfeuerwache 4
- 80331 Muenchen
- Phone: +49 (0)89 340 86 522